The First (the better ;-) Squadron of Fighterbomberwing 32 is - as the whole wing - history. On 26/10/2012 the squadron was officially disbanded with a short military ceremony. Only few guests were present. The whole wing was officially disbanded on March 31st 2013.
This site wants to show the work of the squadron and its former members and inform about the former squadron life and mainly the last weapon system, the mighty TORNADO ECR. The webmaster still owes loads of material in form of pictures and information about the whole lifetime of the unit and will feed this in on a regular basis - time permitting.
Besides this the support of the traditions and the history of the squandron and the friendships and contacts of its former members will be the main task of this homepage in the future.
As a side info for you: all the stuff from the former squadron buildings was brought to the military historical collection (MGS) of Lechfeld airbase and found there a worthy place. It can be visited by everybody. There is no entrance fee.
We are members of the LIFT99 startup community and citizens of Ukraine & Estonia. Since the beginning of the Russian invasion, we have been on a mission to support the Ukrainian army and people. As part of the larger NAFO community, we established the 69th Sniffing Brigade Fund which works tirelessly in pursuit of Ukraine's inevitable victory by organising, fundraising, and delivering support to the front lines.
Hi Guys! Greets from "Tiger Oiler".
New 20.09.2020
An episode of the 2004 Tigermeet, which has not been made public up to now. Read under the following link the story of the 321 Tigers Lick-on Tattoos der Lechfeld Tigers. Credits go 100% to Ecki!
To the licker story of NTM 2004 (in german only at the moment)
25-03-2013 at around 08:00 the both last flyable Tornados left Lechfeld airfield. A single jet remaines back. It will - as we found out on March 28th - leave Lechfeld on the day the airfield is taken over by the follow-on unit who's task it is to keep the airfield running. One of these two birds was TORNADO ECR 46+45 with the "LAST CALL - good-bye Lechfeld" special painting. While the second to last take-off of a Lechfeld Tornado jet was more or less unnoticed by the public, ca. 100 technicians of the wing stood in formation along the runway and saluted a departed bird of the wing a last time.
On their way to Recce Wing 51 "Immelmann" in Schleswig, where all of our TORNADO ECR which will not be scrapped find a new home, ECR 46+45 and 46+54 have a stopover at Hohn Airbase. The following pictures show their departure from Hohn (home of Transport Wing 63):
The following pictures show the second last ECR jets from Fighterbomber Wing 32, Lechfeld, during approach and Landing at Schleswig.
"Good Luck and always Happy Landings in Schleswig", Schnief, we already miss you!!
18-03-2013, as announced, the BAVARIAN TIGERS UNITED from Fighter Wing 74, Neuburg, were formed within a short ceremony in the old warf hanger. At the same time this ceremony meant the very last appearance of the few remaining Lechfeld Tigers. After the formal part in the hangar there was a small party in the rooms of the Bavarian Tigers where all the famous and well known utensils of the dieing tiger squadron were handed over to the new tigers. May they bring luck and always happy landing to its new owners. TIGER - TIGER - TIGER!!!
Unbelieveable but true: both squadrons of TFW 74 in Neuburg - the 741 "Falcons" and the 742 "Zapatas" - will become tiger squadrons and have now the task to take over the tigerspirit of the 321 tigers and carry it on.
For this reason, Monday 18-03-2013 a small formal ceremony at the Flying Group of Tactical Fighter Wing 74 from Neuburg takes place at the airfield, where
took place. After that the BAVARIAN TIGERS achieve right away the status of a probationary member" of the NATO Tiger Association.
On Thursday, March 21st 2013, beginning 13:00 o'clock, the expected LAST CALL ceremony of FBW 32 took place. Access was only permitted for active and former wing members (with an invitation) and other formal guests. All other information can be found in the official leaflet.
Leaflet as JPG: click the image to the left
21-01-2013. The first TORNADO ECR from Lechfeld took over their duty at Recce Wing 51 "Immelmann" in Schleswig. The comfort aside of it: with the Panther patch on its tail these ECR returned to the tiger community according to our motto "Once a Tiger - always a Tiger"!
Today, 22-11-2012 the last special painted jet of FBW 32, TORNADO ECR 46+45 "LAST CALL" (a final design of Tom Marschik) was transfered after the paint job from Erding to Lechfeld. Piloted by the acting Commodore (Wing Commander) LTC Dohler it landed late afternoon in shaky weather at Lechfeld.
Take-off at Erding. Thanks to Frank Schmidl for the picture!
Arrival at Lechfeld
Thursday November 15, 2012, a so called Big Serenade, performed by the Bundeswehr Music Corps, took place at the sports court for the fare-well for the wing. Invited was also the public living around the base but obviously hadn't they heard about this becaus only a couple of them was present. Before that there was a final muster on the base. Reason for that was the oficial fare-well for the Commodore Col Stefan Scheibl. With these events - so the Bundeswehr - Fighterbomber Wing 32 officially retreats from public.
On 26-10-2012 - rather surprisingly for everybody - and months before the end of the whole wing, the First Squadron of FBW 32 was taken out of service and dissolved. The remaining personel was transferred to the second squadron until a new task in a new unit was found for them.
Unfortunately is the original of the article no longer online so that we have provided a copy in pdf format for you for download.
The last Tigerjet and the last Monsterjet from Lechfeld in close formation
Thursday July 28, 2011, finally the time had come that the promised invitation into the Squadron for the competitors of the tigerjet competition took place. Unfortunately due to the fact that it was a working day only a few could come so that we didn't succeed to thank all of them personally for their big eagerness. Besides the competitors there were also painters and specialists from the paint shop in Erding invited.
The highlight of this day was for sure the visit in the Tornado simulator where every participant got the opportunity to enter the cockpit and perform a flight around Lechfeld.
28-05-2011 the 321 Tigers celebrated the 15th anniversary of their acceptance as a full member of the NATO Tiger Association. The official membership of the "club" took place during the NATO Tiger Meet 1996 in Beja. The picture above shows the Lechfeld commando for this event. Tiger-Tiger-Tiger roaaaaaaaaaaaaar!!!!
(Many thanks to Stabsfeldwebel ret. Voker Schmitdt for this picture and the aided recall to this event!!)29.07.2010
The TORNADO days are nearly over in Germany (more or less). The DTS is an association of all active and former TORNADO crews (compare to F-104 Starfighter's Cactus Squadron). Aim of the game is to enforce comradrie, friendship and finding and holding of contact with each other, as well as the remembrance of dead comrads and last but not least to be reminded of this magnificent and for its times remarkable weaponsystem - the mighty TORNADO.
All former TORNADO crews are asked - whether they want to become a member or not - to make contact via the homepage http://www.tornadostaffel.de/
This applies especially for all former international exchange crews!!!
Goose Bay, the ultra low level training area in Labrador, Canada, is for a long time again history for the german Luftwaffe. This galery was created out of pictures from one of the last Luftwaffe detachments and should give you an idea of the flying as well pf the past-time activities in these uncomparable surroundings of Goose Bay. (opens in a new tab)
Fighterbomberwing 32 celebrates its 50th birthday. This is a memorable event and point in history. Never before in our history over such a long period democratically legitimized armed forces secured so successfully and in a friendly way the peace and the freedom in Germany. Therefore FBW 32 celebrates a great party Saturday July 26 2008. Because of big restraints after the Ramstein desaster there are no more flying activities at such events.
Info about the event in the official leaflet: Frontside | Backside
To the master solution, evaluation and allocation of the awards you get (sorry, everything in german language only) here. Many thanks to all participants!
Transition with three Tornado ECR and five crews of 1st and 2nd squadron to Orland, Norway.
ELITE is the largest exercise of the Luftwaffe, which also finds great recognition under our NATO partners.
From 3rd until 17th July 2008 overall 19 nations from NATO, the EU and the PfP, train together with weapon systems of german Luftwaffe, Army and Navy the electronic fight between aircraft and ground based air defense systems. NATO supports the exercise with E-3A AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control Systems), which are used for airspace reconnaissance and flying command posts.
To our ELITE 2008 page with something more information and a couple of pictures.
Duration 17.06.-01.07.2010
Deployment of the aircraft: klick
Foto Days: Heuberg - 22.06., Lechfeld - 24.06.; accreditation form pdf doc.
Unfortunately you will never again see and meet us on flying events, open door days, exercise foto shootings and so on. The 321 Tigers are history and live on as a legend in the virtual world of the internet.