How it came about:
The honorable Tiger-(L)ECKI provided us, the 321 Tigers, with an almost unlimited number of lick-on tattoos for the Tigermeet 2004 in Schleswig. The motivation was great and countless women were beautified by the Lick-On Performance team. Recently there were probably more women walking around with 321 tattoos than without. This very effective type of "product placement" certainly contributed to the fact that the 321 Lechfeld Tigers were on everyone's lips and were ultimately able to win the Silvertiger.
The (L) team helps to boost the mood at parties and make pretty women even more beautiful. The motto “How low can you go” is particularly suitable for establishing contact and amusing everyone present. In short - we want to show the world that we have a lot of fun in our extraordinary job. Furthermore, all Lickers live the spirit of the NATO TIGERS.
Founding members / Licker Council:
Bilder 1-5: (L)arry bei der Prüfungsabnahme für den ersten offiziellen Austrian Licker B(L)undy während des "Tag der offenen Tür" in Wunstorf.
Matthias Dolderer (Flying Bulls) in seiner F4U - Corsair. Matthias ist honorary Licker und mit diesem Patch 2005 bei SAT1 als Kommentator der "Red Bull Airrace" vor einem Millionenpublikum aufgetreten.
§ 1 Types of Membership:
In principle, only an active or former fighter pilot or WSO of the 321 Lechfeld Tigers can become an Active Licker. Exceptions are all other "Tiger-Type Pilots" who can be appointed Active Lickers and Honorary Lickers by Active Lickers of the 321 Lechfeld Tigers as Probationary Lickers.
Active Licker: The Active Licker is the usual member, has met the test criteria and spreads the idea of the (L) team through active and numerous application of lick-ons . He is authorized to conduct the exam for candidates and ensures the photographic documentation of the licking. After the corresponding MISREP at the Licker Council, the candidate will be announced as a new member via Info(L)etter.
Probationary Licker: The Probationary Licker is the member on probation - a candidate. He has received a set of lick-ons from an Active Licker and must meet the above test criteria to become an Active Licker. Probationary members must also report to (L)arry, stating their email address, in order to receive the latest information(L)etters.
Honorary Licker: The Honorary Licker is rather the exception and has contributed to the promotion of the (L) team in a special way. This means that it does not have to have met the test criteria. The inclusion of an honorary licker can only be done by the founding members and must therefore be requested from them with justification.
§ 2 Good Licker Taste (Licker Etiquette):
§ 3 Exclusion:
Anyone who violates the Good Licker Taste (Licker Etiquette) can be excluded from the (L)Team by the Licker Council.
§ 4 Marking of the (L)ickers:
After meeting the test criteria, the new Licker is officially accepted as a member by being presented with the (L)icker patch. This ceremony must be documented by photo and sent to (L)arry to complete the A(L)bum.
This patch is to be worn as an identifying feature at further Lickon performances
§ 5 Entrance exam:
In order to be accepted as an Active Licker, the following criteria must be met:
Application of at least 3 lick-on tattoos on 3 different ladies within one day/evening. The tattoo should be moistened directly with the tongue. These are to be placed as follows:
The fulfillment must be accepted by a member and documented photographically. The pictures must then be sent by email to (L)arry to complete the album.
§ 6 Recurrency/Reloads
Every Licker is responsible for his own LickOn Currency.
Lickon Reloads could be purchased at
§ 7 changes in ROEs
Suggestions for changes to these ROEs can be sent to the Licker Council.
As of: January 28, 2007
“Keep on lickin´”
The Lick On Council
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