On the 10th of July the annual ELITE Spottersday for the exercise ELITE will take place at Lechfeld airfield. This event is for accredited (registered) media people only. If you want to participate, you have to apply with the accreditation form first, which you can download below. Besides this form can you get an addressing writing to the press and a route description to Lechfeld. On the accred. form you find also the fax number where you must send the application to. Unfortunately are all of these papers german language only, so that you should use an online translation service like LEO to identify the asked information. The mentioned downloads:
German Luftwaffe offers for the first time a spotters day at Heuberg Range in the middle of the action (Thursday 10-07-08, one AM slot and one PM slot) for all amateur fotographers and militaty aviation enthusiasts. For more information and the neccessary sign in forms go to the official Luftwaffe site! (sorry, german language only)
The Exercise has started with the fam flights of the foreign participants. Yesterday 01-07-2008 most of the participants flew in to Lechfeld and the other bases. From today Wednesday 02-07. until Friday 04-07-2008 the familiarization flights will take place around the individual bases and the whole South German area. Next Monday 07-07-2008 the exercise flights to Heuberg Range will start.
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