For the time being, the Lechfeld Tigers say good-bye to the „Silver Tiger“
Those readers regularly reading our Infos, will remember September 2004: The Lechfeld Tigers won during Tigermeet 2004 in Schleswig, Germany, for the first time during their 10 year membership, the Silver Tiger trophy.
This was the reward for the well done efforts of the flying crews together with the Lechfeld technicians. The event was a highlight for all of us and will be remembered for long time.
Unfortunately is the Silver Tiger a wander trophy. This means all squadrons fight for it each consecutive year and try to get the big cat to present it proudly as a sign for an excellent performance during the last Tiger Meet.
Now, from April 29 til May 9 2005, it was again the time for competition.
This year, 192 Squadron from Balikeshir in the Northwest of Turkey, was the host for NTM 2005. For the 321 Tigers as the keeper of the Silver Tiger Trophy of course reason enough to send a delegation. On board of the aircraft leading the flight to Turkey the trophy on which it had been hard to find an empty spot for medal of the Lechfeld Tigers (it is filled over and over with the medals of the winning squadrons).
Because of the high amount of commitments for the wing 2005 (exercise BATTLE GRIFFIN, Deci deployment, exercise ELITE, exercise CLEAN HUNTER ...), it was not possible to participate with a whole detachment which would have been neccessary for a complete participation. Therefore it was decided that we would go there just as a Cross Country flight with 3 ECR as a formation, lead by the squadron leader Major Mike Sylla.
Friday afternoon when all flights and debriefings were finished 11 busses with nearly 400 participating flying crews and technical personel made its way towards turkish Aegaeis (1 hr south of Izmir). Five hours later were the weekend quarters reached.
For all the fans of cultural things an excursion in the history prone area around Ephesus was aranged. Für Kulturbegeisterte war am Samstag Vormittag bereits eine Fahrt in der geschichtsträchtigen Gegend um Ephesus organisiert.
In the afternoon with lots of sunhine and 28 degrees the "Tiger-Games" took place on the hotel's own beach. The last outstanding event for this weekend was the traditional "Gala-Diner" of the Tigermeets when the best of the best of many international meals were served. Accompanied by a turkish band everybody could try to dance turkish style with lots of fun. This evening was as always the best chance to have fun with old friends, to make new friends and to keep all the former contacts alive.
Sunday we made us on the way back to Balikeshir to finish this NTM with
the traditional "Closing Ceremony" and a flag parade. After this the gifts
of the guests were given to the host and the other guests and Nations.
Additional there were prices for outstanding performances.
The "Silver Tiger" this year was won by the british Puma Squadron 230 which took it to the irish island.
At last the 321 Tigers can speak about a positive sum-up of this short detachment. The turkish hosts organized a phantastic event and again demonstrated its great hospitality as demonstrated already during NAM and ANATOLIAN EAGLE automn 2004. Although we were not able to participate in the simulated warfare operations together with the other 11 nations we could at least conduct the "supplementary low level missions" together with the turkish F-16 which proved itself as irretrievable experiences.
The upcoming 2006 NTM in Oerland/Norway will give us and our technicians again the chance to show and prove the true tiger spirit of the 321 tigers from Lechfeld.
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